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Nina Webrink Jewellery


Official Finematter partner

Scandinavian designer Nina Webrink personifies sustainability avant-garde and with a deep respect for the traditional craftsmanship. She pursues a holistic approach in which jewellery features responsibly sourced materials and lab-grown diamonds, and production process leads each piece through her hands. Educated designer and benched trained goldsmith, Nina finds inspiration in her fascination for the sculptural universe hidden in nature and in the very core of human values. She iterates on prototypes until she has created timeless and functional pieces. A blend that fuses ultimate attention to detail, unique silhouettes along with an excellent fit.

Specialises in:
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    Sustainable fine jewellery
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    Timeless scandinavian design
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    Bespoke jewellery using your gold and stones
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    Responsibly sourced materials and lab-grown diamonds

This jeweller has been selected by our team as one of the leading jewellers in the world. Contact them easily through Finematter for security and peace of mind.

Bespoke & remodel terms

Starting budget $3,300
Payment terms 50% deposit
Lead time 4-12 weeks
Design directions 10 iterations
tick Works with your heirloom gemstones
tick Recycles your gold for reuse in a new design
tick Available for virtual consultations
tick Available for in-person consultations

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