Behind the scenes

Exclusive collection by Jo Riis-Hansen

Exclusive collection by Jo Riis-Hansen

We take you behind the scenes of Jo Riis-Hansen's collection made exclusively for Finematter

It is a collection of opposites, a merge of simple shapes with the extravagant. The organic curves of the ocean in contrast to the sharp horizon. The black night sky with the bright and shiny stars. Jo Riis-Hansen has used a lot of tiny diamonds in the pieces to resemble the light and beauty, most likely to be found in the smallest of places, and smallest of things that human beings create. The pieces are a celebration of unity and love. But also, a reflection on the fact that you cannot enjoy the light if you don’t know the dark. They are a translation of the beautiful quote from the song Anthem by Leonard Cohen, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in”.

Selected from our Journal

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